Apply to IDP
We welcome all applicants at least 24 years old by the date of matriculation to apply to Trinity's Individualized Degree Program. Our community of non-traditional students includes veterans, second bachelor degree candidates, and international students.
What We Do Not Require
Our personalized process means that we have few set criteria for admission. We do not require:
- SAT scores
- An associate’s degree (although many of our applicants come directly from two-year colleges)
- A minimum GPA from earlier college courses (although a 3.0 or above is highly favorable)
What About Transfer Credits?
You may transfer up to 18 arts and sciences courses from accredited two- and four-year colleges. We will evaluate your transcript to determine which courses are eligible for transfer credit at Trinity and determine which, if any, general education requirements have been met. As a general rule, transfer credit will be given for courses comparable to those offered in the Trinity curriculum in which the applicant has received grades of C- or better. For more detailed information, please refer to Trinity’s transfer credit policies.

How Do I Apply?
To speak with someone about the Trinity IDP experience please contact Associate Director of Admissions Gillian Ritter.
While we welcome international students to apply, there is limited financial aid available and generally, full financial support for demonstrated need is not available. IDP is a non-residential program, so students may need to identify and arrange housing, independently.
IDP Admissions
All applicants must submit the following:
- The Common Application for Transfer Admission
- Official Transcript(s) from high school or GED plus every college/university attended. If you have never been enrolled at another institution, you are not required to submit a college transcript.
- Transfer College Report: A report of “good academic standing” must be submitted from your current institution. If you have never been enrolled at another institution, you are not required to submit a college report.
- Mid-Term Report (hard copy submission of grades, if currently enrolled in college)
- Academic Report(s) (letters of recommendation: at least one from recent collegiate faculty member)
- Required Essay: As part of your application, you must submit an essay that focuses on your specific interest in Trinity College. Using the prompt below, write an essay of less than 300 words.
- The Trinity College community is characterized by engagement, inclusion, and collaborative partnerships. What are some communities in which you have been involved? How will you engage with and leave an impact on the Trinity College community?
- $65 nonrefundable application fee
- If you plan on applying for financial aid, you must submit the required financial aid documents. Click here for more details regarding applying for financial aid at Trinity.
All materials submitted offline should be mailed to:
Trinity College
Attn: Gillian Ritter
Associate Director of Admissions
Admissions Office
300 Summit Street
Hartford, CT 06106-3100
Standardized Testing Policies
Standardized Testing Requirements
SAT or ACT scores are not required of IDP applicants.
Trinity Score Choice Policy
If you decide to send SAT or ACT scores, Trinity’s Office of Admissions will consider your highest section scores from all testing dates as part of our final admissions decision. (This policy includes both the SAT I and ACT.) If you submit new scores, we will update your record with those scores.
If you would like your SAT or ACT scores to be considered during our admissions review, please ensure that official test scores are sent to our Trinity’s Office of Admissions. Trinity’s CEEB code is 3899; our ACT code is 0598.
English Proficiency Testing for Non-Native English Speakers
Please review our English Proficiency Exam page to determine whether you may need to submit documentation of your English proficiency or apply for a waiver.
Additional Information
Trinity College Individualized Degree Program
Hartford, CT 06106